The State of Michigan spent $1,147,631 on public education employees working at Waldron Area Schools in 2021, making this the 600th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $4,145,915 on public education employees working at Vandercook Lake Public Schools in 2021, making this the 445th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $14,115,259 on public education employees working at the Western School District in 2021, making this the 179th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $11,943,573 on public education employees working at Tecumseh Public Schools in 2021, making this the 215th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $5,462,334 on public education employees working at Springport Public Schools in 2021, making this the 385th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $4,775,494 on public education employees working at Sand Creek Community Schools in 2021, making this the 424th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
The State of Michigan spent $2,114,115 on public education employees working at Pittsford Area Schools in 2021, making this the 544th-ranked organization in terms of total salary paid by the state.
At an open house Wednesday evening to give information on this summer’s street construction – especially the city’s bond-program-funded work in the Number Streets – residents heard tips from paving contractors and had a chance to ask questions about the process.