
South Michigan News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Fenton Baptist Seminary taken by Fenton Photographer George Tamlyn in 1934


Fenton Baptist Seminary | George Tamlyn in 1934

Fenton Baptist Seminary | George Tamlyn in 1934

We were so excited to find this shot we just couldn't wait for a proper Tamlyn Tuesday. Today we've got a fantastic photo of the Fenton Baptist Seminary taken by Fenton super photographer George Tamlyn in 1934!!!

On June 17, 1868 the Fenton Independent printed an address given by Rev. T.J. Johnson on the event of the laying of the cornerstone of the Seminary on the topic of the value of education. Here's part:

"Education is of real value to man in strict proportion to its affiliation with the heart-cleansing and soul-elevating spirit of this law of life which is Christ Jesus. It is this that arouses the spirit of liberty, enthrones justice, vitalizes truth, opens the fountains of human sympathy, and inspires with love."

"It is this that undermines inquisition, modifies despotism, regulates ambition, dissolves the captive's chains, beats swords into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks, that builds asylums for the unfortunate, and gathers the halt, the lame, and the blind, to the couch of comfort and the feast of plenty."

"This spirit is the only national pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. It is inseparable from intelligence, and glows with love for all science. Fully admit them to the national heart, to the family shrine, to the individual soul."

We also have a rare shot of the INSIDE of the Seminary, as well as a shot of Tamlyn with his family.

Original source can be found here.